Working behind the curtains!

Let’s be clear, we do not build websites. What we do instead is build the underlying infrastructure behind your website and other services. By leveraging multiple cloud technologies, we can provide a low maintenance, high uptime applications with minimal costs.

  • Cloud
  • Low maintenance and costs
  • Dolor

DevOps ahoy!

To increase developer throughput, our applications are properly integrated with continuous delivery pipelines, allowing for swift updates and safe rollbacks in case of issues. As applications continuously change throughout their lifetime, our goal is to remove the operational overhead of keeping things running.

Why us?

Oh boy, here comes the marketing talk.

  • Wide cloud tech stack

    Our applications run in AWS, OCI (Oracle Cloud), GCP as well as serverless in Cloudflare. Thanks to this, we are able to find the most suitable way to run your applications.

  • Wide code tech stack

    Having written code for microcontrollers communicating via I2C with a Linux host, decoding the data in a bare C program and uploading for processing to a Ktor/Spring Boot applications running virtualized in plain Docker as well as K8s and storing the data in NoSQL databases assures we are quick to track down potential hiccups.

  • Skin in the game

    IT world is always advancing. By hosting our own projects, we cannot afford going out of date.

  • No BS

    Ain't nobody got time for that.

Want to know more?

As we ensure the privacy of our customers, we cannot showcase our projects publicly. However, we do host a number of our own projects, so feel free to check them out!